Conference Place 会议举办地
The 21st International Conference of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Control Engineering(ICFPMCE 2020)will be held in Chongqing, China.
As China’s fourth municipality after Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin, Chongqing has maintained rapid economic development while preserving a wonderful natural environment. Known as the 'Mountain City', it has a wavy terrain and encompasses a wealth of water reserves, mineral resources, dense forests, and abundant flora and fauna. This city attracts visitors from home and abroad for its natural wonders and cultural heritage. As a common starting port for the Yangtze River cruise, tourists can go for a downstream tour to the magnificent Three Gorges.
Two Venues for the ICFPMCE 2020 Conference 主要会议地点
Friday, 6 November: Chinese Entrepreneur International Conference Center for registration and accommodation
Saturday, 7-8 November: Chongqing University of Technology for Main Conference.
11月6日 星期五,会议注册及住宿:华商国际会议中心(重庆市南岸区五公里学府大道33号)
11月7日 星期六—11月8日星期日,主会场:重庆理工大学博园国际学术报告厅(重庆市巴南区红光大道69号重庆理工大学花溪校区)