Welcome to ICFPMCE2020
Welcome to ICFPMCE 2020, the 21st International Conference of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Control Engineering. Chongqing is widely acknowledged as the largest industrial and economic center in southwestern China with global perspectives, new ideas and multiculturalism, and it is also a popular destination for travelers with its hilly slopes, rivers, night views and spicy food.
Under the theme of ’Green Motivation, Integrated Development’, this conference will bring together experts with distinct views on fluid power and mechatronic control engineering, and will foster cross-disciplinary discussions on the big questions in these fields. Moreover, an important goal will be to discern pathways for scientific discoveries in these areas into the industry and government projects.
We look forward your active participation in ICFPMCE 2020 and hope that you will enjoy your stay in Chongqing!
Important Dates 重要日期
• Abstract submission deadline: July 30, 2020
• Paper submission deadline: August 30, 2020
• Paper notification: September 30, 2020
Call for papers 论文征集